Rates of Return To Investors The different uses of profits generate different rates of return for the investor. This should factor into your decision on which is preferable. This table is automated in the Different Yields spreadsheet.Use Of ProfitsMultiplyRate of ReturnEqualsReturn25%to Dividends*Earnings Yield5%=1%40%on Buy Backs*Earnings Yield5%=2%35%Reinvested*ROE33%=12%100% Total15%DividendsDividends paid on common shares are not created out of thin air. They are a transfer of value from the company to the owner. Each dividend dollar paid out of a business, reduces the value of that business (and the owner’s investment) by the same amount. This is completely different from dividends paid on preferred shares. In that case the dividends ARE income because the principle (face value of the preferred share) has not been affected.Dividend dollars earn the investor a rate of return usually far lower than the return earned by reinvesting in the business. This depends on the incremental ROE, but generally cash inside a business is more productive than cash in the secondary markets.Management’s choice to pay dividends indicates a lack of better business opportunities, or a preference for a certain type of owner.Companies with large DRIPs know the cash for those dividends will never leave the company bank account. With (say) 25 percent of investors in DRIPs, the company can declare a dividend one third higher than it could otherwise afford.When some shareholders DRIP and others take cash dividends, neither class of owners ends up better or worse off than the other.Management compensation that depends on capital appreciation may contain clauses protecting management from large dividend effects. The number of stock options held can be grossed up by the capital lost to the distribution. Similarly, when convertible securities are issued to ‘friends of the business’ there can be a provision to lower the options’ exercise price because of distributions. The resulting dilution is not captured by any reporting metrics.Dividends can be used to hide management compensation, because dividends are not a deduction before Net Income. Shares are issued to management for debt. Dividends paid on those shares are journal-entry’d to pay down the debt and should be considered management wages. The issue of shares is just an excuse to label the cash ‘dividends’ instead of ‘wages’. The exact same thing could be accomplished by paying wages and requiring the executive to buy shares with it. It is impossible to determine from the financials what the dollar value of this is. While this strategy will always raise reported Net Income in total, it will only raise EPS when the dividends are greater than earnings, so you see this strategy in REITs and Income Trusts with high distributions. See separate page of explaination.Dividends can be used to hide management compensation a second way. When shares are repurchased and not cancelled (or issued without being sold to outsiders), they may be in a trust structure for the benefit of management. That means any dividends received by those shares do not accrue back to the benefit of the company as a whole. They increase the value of the trust – usually spent buying more shares for the trust. This eventually is distributed to management.Dividends can be used to hide interest expense. It is not unusual to see the AVERAGE number of shares outstanding in a period being greater than the number outstanding at both the BEGINNING and END of the period. This may be the result of a delay between the time of issuing new shares on the exercise of stock options and the time of repurchasing them from the market. But this may also indicates the existence of financing with company shares. There may be an agreement with a bank to sell them shares for cash, and a repurchase price agreed at the start. That price includes interest on the cash ‘borrowed’. Any dividends issued during the period would reduce interest added to the repurchase price.Share BuyBacksShare buybacks are equivalent to the payment of dividends. The cash moves from the productive operating sector of the economy to the secondary markets, just like dividends do. If 5% of the outstanding shares are repurchased then the investor has a 5% gain.Unlike dividends, the cash for buybacks goes to people selling their shares, rather than to the continuing owners.Unlike dividends, no taxes are triggered by share buy-backs.When offset by the issue of additional shares (say, from the exercise of options), there is no benefit to owners. This is ignored in the many reports claiming that buybacks have replaced (historically much higher) dividends.The timing of share buybacks should be opposite from the time chosen to exercise stock options. Options will be exercised when the owner believes the stock price is peaking. Companies should invest in their own shares when the stock price is bottoming … for the same reason everyone buys shares (buy low – sell high). In practice, companies may buy back shares BECAUSE of options being exercised – at the exact worse time.When US domiciled multi-nationals earn profits in foreign jurisdictions, the cash profits would be taxed if repatriated for share buy-backs. So US companies borrow in the US to fund buy-backs. This has two effects. Even while the foreign cash is not accessible it offsets US debt for net Debt/Equity ratios. While interest rates are low this strategy works fine, but when interest rates rise the company must either continue paying the higher interest, or else pay taxes on repatriating the foreign cash. Not good options.Shares may be bought-back, but not cancelled, at the time options are granted, at the price equal to the exercise value of the options. This creates the superficial appearance that the options are ‘fully funded’. When the option is eventually exercised, those shares in treasury are used, with no change in dollar value recorded, or change to the gross number of shares outstanding, in Shareholders’ Equity. In reality this does not change the opportunity cost of options. The two transactions should be measured separately. See the details at Comprehensive IncomeHow investors should interpret treasury shares (showing as negative Shareholder Equity) depends on whether their ownership rests with the company as a whole, or whether they sit in a trust for the benefit of management only. The ‘number of shares outstanding’ used in the calculation of ‘book value per share’ and ‘earning per share’ should be the greater (gross) number when purchased shares are owned by management. Otherwise, the calculations use the reduced (net) number of shares. This also means the calculation of ROE based on ‘eps’ and ‘book value per share’ will differ from the metric based on Net Income and Equity. See this example from Legg Mason.Since buybacks are financially equivalent to dividends it is reasonable to conclude that valuation calculations based on the present value of future dividends should include buybacks as quasi-dividends. But it has been argued that this results in double counting, when the analysis is done on a per-share basis. The cash used for the buyback is the first ‘count’. But the number of shares outstanding has been reduced as a result, so in future, the same amount of cash (in total) can fund a higher dividend (on a per-share basis). This growth in the dividend is the second ‘count’.Reinvesting ProfitsWhen profits are reinvested to grow the business, the investor will earn a rate of return equal to the ROE of the incremental business. The company’s expected rate of growth equals the multiple of this incremental ROE and the proportion of profits reinvested.If retained profits are used to pay down debt, the investor’s return will equal the interest rate of the debt.Whether reinvesting profits is better than paying dividends all depends on the use to which the cash is put – the incremental ROE.DRIP’sDividend Reinvestment Plans recycle the nominal dividend’s cash back to the company by paying with script (shares) instead.This is equivalent to reinvesting profits… but inefficient due to costs.DRIPs are not equivalent to the shareholder receiving cash dividends, to be re-deployed in the secondary market. The cash is retained within the business where it is more productive than when in the secondary market .Investors earns a rate of return according to the same criteria as seen above in “Reinvesting Profits”.Share IssuesA company’s issue of shares and then payment of a dividend with part of the proceeds, is equivalent to an investor selling a portion of their shares in the secondary market. See example below.If additional shares are sold for market value, the investor is indifferent.If sold for less than market value, the investor suffers a loss equal to the discount. That loss will equal the gain to the buyer of the discounted shares – usually employment compensation from exercising stock options. Investors must measure this loss and deduct it from published Net Income and EPS. See the details at Comprehensive Income.Issuing shares does not dilute existing owners because $proceeds are received in exchange. The question is “Will the $proceeds be put to work earning the profits anticipated by the market price of the stock?”If issued at twice book value the $proceeds need only be invested at half the ROE of the pre-existing assets in order for the EPS to remain the same. If issued at 1.5 times book value, the proceeds need only earn a return equal to 2/3 of the pre-existing ROE for the EPS to remain the same. Etc.If sold for less than “book value per share”, each resulting share will have fewer assets working for it. EPS will be expected to decline. The company would be in dire straights before doing this. Investors must measure the loss of “book value per share” and make their own decision whether to consider this attributable to management’s decisions.If sold for more than “book value per share”, the premium will be shared by all resulting shareholders. Each share will have more assets working for it. EPS will be expected to increase. The increase should not be interpreted as “due to good management”. It results from forces in the secondary market for shares, not management actions.#1Stock Options Align Management’s Interest With Shareholders’… FALSEMenuStock optionsdefer management’s personal income taxes.are not measured correctly by the financial statements and so are open to abuse.are dismissed as a “non cash transaction” (see Cash Truths That Aren’t) to gullible Retail Investors.are not long-term incentives because all kinds of events will trigger an immediate vesting – events that can be of management’s own making.do not serve to retain management talent because the poacher will cover the cost of options left behind.can be monitized (cashout without selling or triggering tax) by derivatives.will prompt share buybacks instead of the harder task of growing the business with reinvestment. No effort is needed to double the share price, when you can just buy-back half the shares.are free to management, in the sense that no money of their own is used to buy them. Nor have they paid tax on the deemed cost.are taxed at half the rate of wages. The company loses half their tax deduction.are recognized as ineffective by private equity, who require management to buy AND PAY FOR shares of a value equal to many years’ salary.#2Share BuyBacks are Good … FALSEMenuThe decision to buy back shares is a knee-jerk reaction by management, today. Management and the media say it returns value to shareholders; it is more tax efficient than dividends; it is an unambiguous ‘good’. It isn’t !!!The decision to buy back shares should be the fallout from a thorough analysis by management of all the possible reinvestments for its earnings. The correct choice is the one yielding the greatest return. The possible investments, in order of highest probable rate of return, are:A) The Core BusinessMost businesses earn a return on equity in the 10-15% range. Reinvesting the earnings to grow the business is usually the best opportunity for the business and shareholders.B) A New BusinessThe next best investment would be in another business with only an incrementally lower ROE.C) Reduce DebtMost companies use debt to leverage the return on invested capital into a higher return on equity (ROE) for shareholders. Reducing the debt will lower the company’s risk, but will also lower the ROE. You need to compare the hurdle interest rate(%) to the ROIC(%) to see if debt is good or bad. (See discussion at Leverage).D) Dividendsgive the shareholders the decision where to reinvest. The company foregoes its own growth and implicitly declares it has no opportunities that can’t be bested by the shareholder re-deploying into another company. Since business (generally) earns a ROE of 15-20% and shares trade at twice book value, the shareholder’s long-term return is only 7.5-10%. The company has decided it has no opportunity that will yield even half what its current operations earn.E) Share Buy-Backs… should be the decision of (next to) last resort.If the share price is falling, companies should never buy-back shares – for the same reason you shouldn’t buy them personally. Your investment is losing value, not earning any return at all.While it is true that buy-backs are more tax efficient than dividends, the downside is that shareholders are given no choice to re-deploy into another company with a higher ROE.Theoretically, the share price will go up an equal amount, so you can sell for an equal profit. But in practice, the share price does not respond so predictably.The biggest problem with share buy-backs is that the media and analysts don’t know how to factor them into their decision models; the accountants don’t show them on any financial statement, and the media refuses to teach the public how to calculate comprehensive earnings.The media further muddies the water by integrating the issue of stock options. Stock options and share buy-backs are two completely separate decisions and transactions. They should be valued and reported independently. They aren’t though. So do it yourself.Because management compensation is half paid in options, it is in their best interest to spend every penny on stock buybacks. The value of their options will rise without any business effort.The return realized by the company on its investment in its own shares is the same as an individual shareholder’s (the Earnings Yield = flip of P/E = ROE divided by the Price/Book). This is pretty poor. Over time it degrades the company’s overall ROE. The media’s simplistic argument that “since there are fewer shares, each shareholder’s stake becomes larger” ignores the COST of that increase in EPS.F) Purchase an Existing Business … usually the worst option.Buying out your competitor most often ends in grief. This is especially true if the business bought was publicly traded at a multiple of book value. Making it even worse is paying a premium to market value for control. Chances are high that the incremental return on the cost will be less than the purchaser’s pre-existing ROE – which is why the cost of Goodwill is never expensed.When the business purchased is private, and the purchase is paid for with shares that trade at healthy multiples, the probabilities of success rise. The incremental ROE will be much higher. This is why consolidators of fragmented sectors are frequently successful, at the start.#3Share BuyBacks Offset the Cost of Stock Options… FALSEMenuThis is the most common way ‘experts’ dismiss the cost of stock options. Sure, the number of shares outstanding does not change when the company buys them back just as fast as they are issued. And sure, the excess cost to buy back shares is offset by the gain from selling your proportionate interest in the company. But ….The following diagram shows a typical company’s price structure. ![]() The following example follows what happens to an owner when his company issues new shares at a market value greater than book-value, compared to the same owner who sells his shares in the market for a capital gain. They end up in exactly the same position.You start a business with $10,000 capital and 1,000 shares.The $10,000 turns out to be very productive and the company is re-valued to twice as much: $20,000.A new partner pays $20,000 for 1,000 new shares = half interest.The company doesn’t need the cash so it pays $20,000 out as a dividend ($10,000 to each partner). #sh.perSh.EquityMarketStart company1,000$10$10,000$10,000Company grows $10,000Your position now1,000$10$10,000$20,000Issue new shares1,000$20$20,000$20,000Pay dividend ($10)($20,000)($20,000)End up2,000$5$10,000$20,000So What Happened?The company is not changed by the issue of new shares. The book value of its equity is still $10,000. Its market value is still $20,000.Except it now has twice the number of shares outstanding – which doesn’t make any difference.The ownerSeeded capital = $10,000Received $10,000 dividend which left him with aCash cost = $0, and an investment of50% share in a $20,000 investment = $10,000.Compare this to selling half his shares in the secondary market. For 500 shares a buyer would pay $10,000, leaving the original owner with the same cash cost = $0 as the first scenario, and he would still have a 50% equity interest in a company worth $20,000 = $10,000.Conclusion: As long as the company receives full market value for new shares, you are fairly compensated for giving up ownership in the company. You ‘realized’ a capital gain from the ‘sale’ of your ownership. This is exactly what happens when you see “Dilution Gains” on a company’s Income Statement. It is not an oxymoron. Their subsidiary has issued more shares, so their ownership is diluted. But they realize a gain because the assets now working for them has increased.#5Companies Now Record the Cost of Options Compensation … FALSEMenuIn 2004 there was a concerted effort to force companies to measure the cost of options, and include the expense in the Income Statement. Users of Financial Statements lost the battle. Companies and their accountants won. Yes, options are now measured, but not correctly. Now you must cancel out the incorrect accounting as well as measure the options cost yourself.First ask: “what is the cost to the company, of compensation paid as options?”.Can the whole thing be ignored because it is a non-cash transaction?Is the cost to the company the same as the benefit received by the options holder?Is the full cost of options determined at the time of their grant?1. The cost of options cannot be ignored just because it is non-cash. There is no such thing as a non-cash expense. Either there is a barter transaction that should be considered two separate cash transactions, or there is a timing difference between the cash transaction and the reporting period. This argument is expanded on the Cash Truths page.2. Companies take the position that the total benefit realized by management from options is NOT a cost of the company. They claim the cost to the company is measured by the Black-Scholes formula at the grant date. They say that the increase in an option’s value as the stock price increases, comes from ‘the market’, not the company. Therefore no additional expense need be recognized after the date of issue. This logic fails on analysis.The parties on opposite sides of an option contract are equal and offsetting. Options are a zero-sum game – one person’s gain is another person’s loss. When management benefits from the option someone must lose. That someone is the business. The company cannot get rid of its option liability without either paying someone to assume it, or settling it. At no time does ‘the market’ assume the liability. Yes, the increase in an option’s value is DUE TO the market’s pricing, but the increase in value for the option-holder does not COME FROM the market.Another way to support the argument (that the benefit to management is exactly the same as the cost to the company) is to consider a business where the owners and managers are one in the same people. No one ever suggests that this management should be compensated with options. Everyone realizes the cost to themselves as owners would negate any gain to themselves as managers.3. All options contracts have two transactions – the original creation of the contract when the premium is exchanged, and the final settlement. It cannot be argued that the company is the counterparty to one but not the other. The full cost of options compensation cannot be known at the time of their issue. The future is unknown until the contract is settled and closed. The two transactions together (the opening payment of a premium and the closing settlement) determine the total cost.Financial Statements record as an expense only the opening transaction – the calculated value of the premium. This valuation never changes, and the closing settlement is completely ignored. This violates the basic concept of the Balance Sheet which is supposed to measure the value of the assets/liabilities AT EACH POINT IN TIME. Correct accounting would re-value the option according to its changing intrinsic value due to a changing stock price…………………………..An analogy may make this more clear. A company purchases goods from another country, payable in that other’s currency. The cost booked at the date of purchase uses the exchange rate at that date. But when the company eventually receives the goods and pays the bill, the exchange rate will be different. The final cost to the company is the exchange rate on the date paid. Similarly with options, the cost of options is the intrinsic value on the date they finally are exercised. Their cost is not determined at the date they are granted…………………………..One excuse for NOT adjusting the cost of the options is that a decrease in the stock price would result in a negative compensation cost. Some think this would be unacceptable, but do not say why. The stated objective of this type of compensation is for management to ‘participate’ in the fortunes of the shareholders. When profits decline …. the stock price is expected to fall …. which decreases the value of the options …. which decreases the compensation expense …. which decreases the hit to profits for outside shareholders. That is just what is wanted.The same system of participation (both positive and negative) is used to record income taxes. When the company loses money, the government ‘participates’ in the loss. A negative tax expense is booked that reduces the hit to profits for outside shareholders.The Correct Measurement of Options CompensationAny measure of the costs of options must measure both the final value of the options exercised and the change in the market value of options outstanding in the interim. The process is similar to measuring ‘cost of good sold’ ( Opening Inventory + Purchases – Closing Inventory = Inventory Sold).Closing Liability – Opening Liability + Exercised = Compensation Expense.#6Diluted EPS Measures Option Dilution… FALSEMenuYou should think of the exercise of stock options as if the option-holders (not the company) force all existing shareholders to give up to the option-holders a percentage of their shares at a price below market value. Diluted EPS measures only a proforma reduction in EPS. It ignores the much larger loss of ownership value.A better metric for measuring the impact of options dilution answers the question “What % of future earnings growth (before options expense) goes to the holders of stock options and not me?” Or put another way. “What % of reported earnings growth (not earnings) would disappear if options were measured correctly?” After all, no one invests for earnings. We invest for earnings growth. This metric is equal to(% options dilution) × (P/E ratio).E.g. if the options outstanding equal 5% of the issued shares and the P/E = 20, then (5/105×20 =) 95% of any increase in earnings goes, not to the shareholders, but to the options holders: a HUGE cost. If the income was correctly stated most of the growth would vanish. Without an increase in EPS, the stock price would not go up, and the options held would not have gained in value. The emperor has no clothes, and investors must stop giving him their money.Proof: AssumeThe number of options outstanding is 5% of the issued stock.The P/E is stable over time at 20.The published earnings to start are $1.00/share, so the stock trades at $20.00.The exercise price of the options is $20.00, so the liability (intrinsic value per share) for options is $0.What happens if the earnings increase 10%?Published EPS increases $0.10 to $1.10.The stock price increases $2.00 from $20.00 to $22.0.The options value will now be (22-20 =) $2.00.That liability ‘per share’ is (5 / 105 × $2.00 =) $0.0952 / share.If that increase in liabilities were booked as an expense it would cancel out (.0952 / 0.10 =) 95% of the increase in earnings………………………….. But earnings DO increase when companies use options !!! Yes, but not when there are share buybacks to cancel the increased number of shares outstanding. Share buybacks would crystallize that $.0952 unbooked options cost in a real transaction (although not on the Income Statement).Earnings can increase in spite of options’ costs when there are no offsetting share buybacks. This is because the company gains from a share-issue-premium. That gain offsets the cost of options. Remember the diagram from above: ![]() ![]() (a) (Gwilym, et al.) found in the UK that excess returns were only found when the sorted portfolios were equally weighted. The opposite effect was found when weighted by market capitalization – lower returns from the dividend-growers. (b) FactSet (not an academic paper) also found that US returns were lower from the top dividend-growers. This contrasts with what is published on the Aristocrats. The official Aristocrat portfolio is equally weighted – so it reflect the returns of small and micro-cap stocks. Investors looking for the stability of large-cap multi-nationals should not expect excess returns. (c) Gerber (“Dividend-Growth” Vol14, No1,2013) worked with only S&P; stocks, isolating those with 10 years of dividend growth, and the safety of payments less than both operating earnings and forward earnings estimates. He found the dividend growers out-performed from 1981 to 2012 but they have under-performed zero-dividend stocks in the time frames since 2003 and since 2008. ![]() 2) Assuming they are not in tax-shelters, any dividends paid during your working years will be taxed yearly and at your top tax bracket. Capital gains can be deferred. 3) Almost nobody holds individual growth stocks for the 10, 20 or 30 years of accumulation. The normal turnover of securities will trigger capital gain tax gradually over the period, long before the date of retirement. The normal turnover of securities will happen in the dividend portfolio as well, with the same effect.(xii) Dividends are frequently promoted with the claim that they are taxed at the lowest rates. This may be true for an individual, but is not true as advice without qualifications. When the portfolio is inside a Canadian RRSP, or RESP, or a TFSA taxes have no impact because there is no tax paid. Also, when the investor is caught by Canadian Minimum Tax all income is treated the same. Also, at the top marginal tax bracket dividends are taxed at the same rate as capital gains. (See current marginal tax rates on different types of income.) Also, the effective tax rate paid on capital gains depends on the holding period of the asset. The longer the delay in being taxed, the lower the effective tax rate. See the sheet on the spreadsheet link above.(xiii) Stock price volatility is definitely higher in stocks paying no dividends at all. When comparing between stocks paying different yields, evidence from Fama-French data shows that higher yields do NOT result in lower price volatility. And no, this is not because the highest excess returns come from the NEXT to highest dividend-yielders so you would expect the NEXT to highest to have the lowest volatility. The data shows the lowest volatility in the NEXT to lowest-dividend-yielders (Clemens, 2012, Exhibit 7). So the volatility difference may be more to do with the type of company than dividend policy.(xiv) Many believe that a steady $$dividend in a period of stock price volatility, allows the reinvested dividend to purchase more shares when the stock is down, and less shares when the stock is high, producing extra returns from a dollar-cost-averaging effect. There are dividend investors who gloat about the ‘lost decade’ of 2000-2010, convinced they gained from the low prices.The box below compares the outcomes when dividends are received from a stock with a steady price, to one whose market price drops in half before the dividend, only to recover 100% after. You can see that yes, more shares can be purchased because of the drop in market price. But the dividend payment has double the proportional impact on that smaller share price. The two effects equal and offset each other. Both situations end up with the same value. Steady PriceVariable PriceTotal Position Value$ 100$ 100# Shares Owned11 Price Drops in HalfStock Price B4 Dividend$ 100$ 50Dividend Paid$ 2$ 2Stock Price After Div$ 98 (= 100-2)$ 48 (= 50-2)Drop in Price2%4%Shares Purchased0.02040.0417# Shares Owned1.02041.0417Total Position Value$ 100 (= 1.0204*98)$ 50 (= 1.0417*48) Price DoublesTotal Position Value$ 100$ 100 (= 1.0417*96)It is a mistake to think that the variable share price will rebound to $98, not just to $96. Both scenarios have the same 0% total return. To understand this try an analogy – consider the company to be your retirement portfolio. You probably understand how withdrawals from your retirement fund after years of losses destroy more value than withdrawals after years of steady returns – the sequential of returns risk. In the same way, taking money out when a company is in difficulty permanently impairs a company’s ability to recover. This argument is presented in another format on the Dividend Vs Growth Portfolio spreadsheet.(xv) Back-testing supposedly shows higher returns from higher yield stocks (except for the very highest decile yield) (Clemens, 2012, Exhibit 8). The Fama-French data set generates the following graph of returns broken down by decades. There is no generalization that holds true. If you open the Dividend Returns spreadsheet you can rotate the image to see through to all the decades yourself. ![]() 1) The use of stock options for compensation has permanently changed management’s motivation to pay dividends. 2) Stock buy-backs have replaced dividends because of their flexibility and because analysts now treat them as equivalent to dividends. 3) Multi-national companies now generate a large portion of their profits in foreign countries. Before dividends can be paid these profits must be repatriated. There is a dis-incentive to do so when there are additional taxes (US) due on that transaction. Times have changed. What happened in the past is in the past.The following graph compares yields vs capital gains as they have changed over time. It uses 5-year averaged returns in order to smooth the inherent volatility of capital gains and better show the relationship to dividends. From 1957 to 2009 the TSX return from dividends has equaled 37% of the total return. There is no cyclicality showing here to cause you to conclude that the relationship is mean-reverting. 2: Accepting what Siegel actually said, was his conclusion correct? No. 3: The correct interpretation of his graph is ….. given two portfolios invested in exactly the same portfolio, earning the exact same rate of return, the portfolio with principal added each year will grow faster than the portfolio without. A third portfolio with principal removed each year will grow slower than both of those.Graphic ProofYou can chart the exact opposite logic used by Siegel. The value of the Total Return Index would remain the same. But instead of the lower line measuring the normal Index (the portfolio with dividends removed) now the lower line measures what would be the value of the portfolio if capital gains were removed each year. Owners Equity Changes ConclusionYou must be aware that even academics can be full of hot air. Retail investors should smell a rat when they read the nonsensical statements like the following from Dimson, Marsh and Staunton, based on the same idiotic interpretation of Siegel’s graph. “Dividend income adds a relatively modest amount to each year’s gain or loss. But while year-to-year performance is driven by capital appreciation, long-run returns are heavily influenced by reinvested dividends. …. The longer the investment horizon, the more important is dividend income. … Capital appreciation dwindles greatly in significance [over time]”.Say what? How exactly do they think this magical transformation occurs? It is common sense that long-term results are only the sum total of each year’s results. What is consistently true for each year will be true over long time periods.This idea that any one year’s capital gain turns into dividend income if you just look back at it from a long-enough time span, gets trotted out by many people. See Exhibit 2 of the GMO Montier article. Lies, damn lies and statistics.” | |
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